
I’m an artist that decided to stop the starving and get to eating well!  This summer I challenged myself to create a piece of art for 365 days straight.  Visit www.maze-ing.com to see the project.  My art work are all workable mazes and challenge the viewer with perception and illusions. 

After 165 days straight I decided to start this site to showcase the beauty of my art in puzzle form for people who like the challenge of mazes and puzzles.

Now on a daily basis I will publish/share a piece of my art for your enjoyment to solve in puzzle form. 

More info about my maze a day project at www.maze-ing.com

WHAT: Each day for the next 365 day/ (starting June 21 2012) I will create and publish a maze a day.  I will publish an inspirational quote with the maze that inspires me to move toward my goals.   My hope is that they inspire you as well!  Enjoy!

WHY:  I started the maze a day project for two reasons.

  1. I have failed miserably for the past several years in business,  writing and art.   I believe that not giving up is what will lead to me reaching my goals.
  2. Daily practice will not only make me better but get me in the habit of reaching a goal on a daily basis.

WHEN: Every day

WHO: Warren Stokes, author, artist, entrepreneur, and daddy.

The mazes? I started for a children’s book (still unpublished) that received positive feedback for how “artistic” they looked.   I decided to take the mazes to a new level creating  depth and illusions.  Please subscribe to receive the daily updates.

97 Responses to “About”

  1. This is a great idea! Nice job in finding something that challenges both your mind and the mind of the blog reader.


  3. Great project idea! They look pretty insane! A really big one that is circular in shape would be insane!

  4. What a cool project. And such discipline.

  5. These are really neat! I love what you are doing. Great idea!

  6. Sounds interesting, I will stay tuned!

  7. Hi,

    thank you for your interest in our little straw bale hotel.
    I checked your mazes. Great job!

    Greetings from a fellow artist


  8. I don’t know how you do these mazes, they are incredible! Have you ever done a labyrinth in your work?
    And thank you so much for stopping by my blog and hitting the ‘like’ button.

  9. thank you for stopping by on my blog!

    your mazes are fascinating and i will pass on your blog!! 🙂

    have a great 2012

  10. I very much appreciate the multiplicity of your work – that many different (and yet related) pathways combine to represent a single, coherent image, and that In the ‘one’, the concept of the ‘many’ is present.

  11. Thanks for the like. I have to say I’ve never seen a maze site. It’s really cool.

  12. Hey Warren! Thanks for “liking” my post on Necessary Miscellany. I think your concept for this blog is great and I’ll be stopping by regularly!

  13. Thanks for liking my post. Your mazes are quite interesting. I can’t say that I will try one everyday, but i do intend to follow your posts. Have a great New Year!

  14. And the creative momentum builds… 🙂

  15. Beautiful artwork. The intricacies and little details show your dedication and patience and it’s AMAZING! All the best with your project, and don’t stop drawing!

  16. Thanks for stopping by ArtCalling. I admire your resolve.
    Please don’t say you have ‘failed’ in business, writing, and art. You have been doing all of them, that is already success. If you haven’t had financial success, this does not mean you are a failure in any way. Only that you haven’t conformed to what the prevailing market society demands of you.
    But hey, we’re artists! Our job is not to conform. Our job is to follow our hearts, go our own way, make people think, create beauty.
    Your efforts this year will bring results, I am sure of this. Maybe not the ones you were thinking of, but no way you can put that amount of energy, discipline and passion out there without, in some way, receiving the same back. You might just be surprised at how. Good luck. Sarah

  17. Hello friend,

    Thanks for liking my writing piece, “The Wind”. I am A-Mazed at your work.


  18. Hello there!
    I saw your works. Absolutely amazing and beautiful… Good luck about your life.


  19. good luck

  20. Such detail! Great concept….look forward to following…Thanks for stopping by my blog too!

  21. Very very cool stuff!

    And also, thanks for dropping by – shared.

  22. I love your art. I adore your puzzles! How very talented you are. Thank you for sharing.

  23. Thank you for taking time to visit my blog. It’s good to ‘meet’ a ‘colleague’ on Project 365. All the very best for reaching your goal. It sound very interesting: wish I had the head for it 🙂

  24. Thanks for checking out my blog and my art. Your work is very cool and I appreciate how you are pursuing your goals. As an artist I strive to work in my studio every day creating art and my blog is one of the venues I use to share my work. Thanks for the positive feedback and good luck.

  25. Thanks for checking out my blog. While writing is my first passion, I also enjoy art. Your works “Elephrikca” and “Giraffe Blocks” are breathtaking. They capture the beauty of these animals. You have a gift. Keep doing what you are doing. As a Christian, I believe that nothing is impossible. You can achieve whatever you set your mind to. Perseverance pays off.

    Notes to Women

  26. Thank you for the like on my page! It looks like you and I have started a 365 day blog! However, I’m confused about your start date. Is it Dec 5th per your first post, or June 2012, as it says on this page?

    • Thanks for the reply and feedback. I started a project in June to draw a new maze a day for a year. This blog I started because of the puzzle effect. I found the puzzle maker and tried one of my mazes and loved it.

  27. Thank you for liking my post “A New Year Full of New Opportunities.” I see from your blog that you are setting goals, working on new ideas, and (of course) creating art! I love the concept of producing a work a day. Stay committed to your goal! Use the quotes and the comments of fellow artists to stay motivated. Good Luck!

  28. What an incredible challenge to set for yourself Warren, good luck with it! Just wanted to say thanks for stopping by my place, glad you liked the post… 🙂

  29. Love your art and the stories, Warren. Best of luck.

  30. Good Luck…

  31. Love your blog!

  32. Hey, this is simply awesome. Best of luck with this. I’m off to tell everyone I know.

  33. Great project, I wish you lots of good work for this new year.

  34. I am sure you hear the word “amazing” quite often, but oh my the talent you possess to create such beautiful works of art~

    Jennfier Wilcox

  35. One of THE coolest blogs I’ve seen. Keep sharing. I look forward to seeing more great work.

  36. I love the idea of your blog. And who doesn’t love mazes :). You could get lost in them for hours, and I’m sure you get lost in them for hours making them. Very cool work.

  37. This is great work. I just completed putting Puzzle #23 together. Can’t wait to try one of these on my wife’s tablet later. Best of luck on getting this published. I hope you’re able to advertise your website as well. You should be able to generate some interest, and hopefully revenue, from sponsors.

  38. Wow what incredible artwork and a fantastic project.

  39. Howdy –

    Thanks for stopping by my blog today. I’ll look forward to visiting yours !

  40. Awesome mazes!! and what an absolutely fantastic way to “push” yourself!!!

  41. Beautiful! I look forward to seeing them unfold!

  42. Seriously, masses of luck with your project!! Can’t wait to see them!!

  43. This is fun, would you be interested to write (or draw) a guest writer piece on our site ? pierotucci.wordpress.com

  44. I like the style of these mate, would you mind if I used one or two on my own site for a short story I’m thinking up? I’ll link them at the end of the post.

  45. Hi Warren, thanks so much for liking my recent post at gumballcrayola!

    Both my sister and I are puzzle girls, so we’ll be checking out your site regularly (and I have a hunch it will show up on “Friends with Blogs” at gumballcrayola one day soon!)

    Best of luck with your project!

  46. Thanks for liking my blog post! Thanks for sharing your project – that’s great initiative and discipline!

  47. Awesome! thanks for dropping by my site and I am excited to follow you! I love mazes and puzzles and love your concept…there are no failures….God’s standard for you being true to yourself will be rewarded…not always in worldly means but rewarded and always successful…looking forward to you seeing your gifts develop and get shared!

  48. Tq for visiting my blog..

  49. Truly interesting and unique. I like the way you are dealing with adversities. And thanks for stopping by my blog.

  50. Wow. This is cool. Thanks for liking my blog! 🙂

  51. thanks for stopping by my blog 🙂 Love your art and wish you all the best with your endeavours 🙂

  52. Hey, thanks for liking my recent blog post. I really appreciate it. 🙂

  53. mazein~… It looks really interesting, and I’m looking forward to exploring it. Take care….

  54. Love your work!

  55. My comments echo those of Sara from ArtCalling… You are already a success… Just keep going… Thanks for liking my post

  56. Your mazes are astonishing — I’ve never seen anything like them! I’m not sure if I could actually work one, but that doesn’t matter. They are beautiful regardless.
    I admire your commitment to creating and posting a new maze everyday. Rest assured I will share your work with everyone I know!

  57. Great project and I really like your honesty. Good luck!

  58. The mazes look good 🙂 Thank you for the like on my post the queen/darwin.

  59. I’ve had a look through your blog and they’re all very good! I’m also aiming to create a daily blog but when I’m not at university I’ll be struggling for things to write about! Best of luck and thanks for the like my friend!

  60. This is a really good idea…and your images are amazing. Keep up the good work!

  61. Income and creativity rarely meet. Keep it up, for this makes you what you are. As far as income is concerned, there are always oppertunities. We just have to learn to like most or atleast one of the available ones.

  62. Uhhhh, great my one weakness! Mazes, I love a good challenge! I look forward to seeing more posts!

  63. Brilliantly clever and elegant. I’m very impressed.

  64. It’s nice to know that truly creative web content isn’t limited to yawning cat videos on youtube…

  65. Nice work. All the best to you.

  66. Thanks for coming along.Male/Female!

  67. This is fantastic! Keep it up, can’t wait to see the new mazes as they emerge 🙂 Have you ever visited Venice? It’s so much like a maze your work reminded me of it.

  68. This is sooo coooool! I followed your blog and I’ll look forward to your mazeing puzzle each day. Ciao!

  69. Wow, what an adventure! Best of luck with the project – I look forward to seeing the mazes 🙂

  70. You’ve got a great idea and incredible artwork!
    I’d like to add you to the blogroll at Lorain365, if that’s okay.
    Thanks for stopping by!


  71. This is such an interesting idea. I’m looking forward to seeing how it goes! Thanks for liking my post too!

  72. Hi, just wanted to say I love your artwork. And don’t give up on your dreams.

  73. This is amazing (no pun intended), unique and very intriguing. Never have I come across another site like it.

    Thank you for stopping by My Hmmm Collection. Hope you drop in again soon.

  74. Wow, so cool, I love mazes and puzzles. This is right up my alley. You have an incredible eye, keep up the creativity. BTW thank you for stopping by and liking my post recently it is most appreciated.

  75. Wow…your work is amazing! Thank you for visiting my blog. 🙂 ❤ 2u

  76. Persistence is learning to succeed from a multitude of past failures!

    Good Luck with your business and thanks for the ‘Like’.

    Best Regards,
    The Sports Archives

  77. Hello. Thank you for visiting my blog and “liking” the article. You have an extremely interesting site here. It’s obvious you have great talent. May the Lord make His face to shine on you and bless you in all of your artistic endeavors.

  78. Hi. I learned about you today from my dad, whose blog you visited. I thought I’d like to come over and look at your site. Your work is amazing! (absolutely NO pun intended). I’m also a writer, and I have a very close friend who writes and illustrates Christian children’s books. She doesn’t do much on the internet, but I will definitely tell her about your blog. Hope being on here adds greatly to your success.

  79. I love your artwork! It is so beautiful. If you had not liked one of my blogs I would of never found you. Thanks for sharing your talents with us.

  80. What a cool idea. Keep up the awesome work. Your work is, original, amazing and beautiful.

  81. What luck to find you … totally briliant and beautiful. Don’t you dare stop, ever! This is so fine.

  82. Hello,
    I am awarding you with the Versatile Blogger Award! Well deserved! The info about how to proceed is on my latest post: http://annahergert.wordpress.com/2012/03/20/another-day-another-award/
    Congratulations! Happy to pass it on to you!

  83. Hi There

    I love your blog and I just wanted to let you know that I’ve nominated you for a blogger award! Check it out at http://www.dailychoicesaddup.wordpress.com There are some rules for receiving the award however, so I’m passing them along (not sure how well I adhered, but what can you do?!). (1) thank the blogger who nominated you (2) include the links to their blogs, (3) include the award image in your post, (4) copy the award image to your site, (5) give seven random facts about yourself, (6) nominate 15 other bloggers for the award, (7) when nominating other bloggers include the links to their sites, and (7) let those bloggers know they’ve been nominated.

    ps. you don’t have to publicize this after moderating…I just couldn’t find an email for you!
    Hope you have a great week!

  84. Thank you for liking my post! I love mazes, I actually wrote a teeny poem about them once, I’ll try and find it for ya 🙂 Great blog!

  85. “This summer I challenged myself to create a piece of art for 365 days straight.”

    This is what I call staying power! ^^

    I want to write an article 365 for a year. Never got to do it. 😦

    ~ E

  86. Thanks for the visit!

  87. Good work – discipline is hard! Live well…

  88. Hi thanks for visiting my blog n liking my last post since im not very regular excuse me for responding so late…Good Luck with your project your work is great… it has the potential to sell very well…would have loved to buy if you were in India…

  89. Hmm is anyone else having problems with the images on this blog loading?

    I’m trying to find out if its a problem on my end or if it’s the blog.
    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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